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Is there a Renewable Energy park in your area


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February 2013

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Is there a Renewable Energy park in your area

This week I travel over to Seattle to visit my family. While traveling on I 90 I came across a really cool site Ellensburg Renewable Energy Park. Located adjacent to Interstate 90 on the west edge of West Ellensburg Park. I seen it from a from a distance wind turbines of every kind spinning away. I pulled over and decided this was something I had to see a closer. To my amazement it was a park built by the people and city of Elensburg. If you make it here, there is a path that leads you thru the center of the renewable energy park. Large uniquely shaped wind turbines spinning away generating power. You will find  solar panel are gleaming in the sun at the end of the path, really a Great site to see. Demonstrating five different wind technologies, one can view each turbines and evaluate each turbine’s performance. If you are ever traveling in the state of Washington it is worth the detour to see.  park, it is located directly between Irene Rhinehart park and Rotary Park next to I-90.  If you are headding East you will also get the pleasure of seeing the enormous wind turbines thru out the Colombian Gorge area. It`s a an amazing view.banner18

Ellensburg Community Renewable Park

To help meet the future energy needs of our customers, the City wants to take advantage of one of Ellensburg’s most abundant energy resources, the sun (over 300 days of sunshine a year). A pilot community solar electric project is provide, produced clean electricity. Solar electric modules (panels)directly into electrical power ready to be used in homes and businesses. With no moving parts, no noise
and no pollution, solar electric modules are the simplest and cleanest power generation systems our1592124_origenergy park
community has available.
The first phase of the project – 120 solar modules (
on the west edge of West Ellensburg Park, adjacent to Interstate 90.goes directly onto the City’s utility power lines. A $120,000 grant received by CWU in 2008 provided the funding to complete Phase II (72 additional modules).

Phase III
Solar was installed in December. Ellensburg recently received a Federal ARRA grant to continue
expanding the project with both state
additional thin-film modules is scheduled for later this summer.
This project uses an innovative financing approach that makes it unique among the various renewable
energy programs in the Northwest. People in our community are being asked to partner with the City to
help fund the project. In exchange for their financial support, the City will give the contributors a dollar
credit on their electric bill for the value of the electricity produced by the solar system.
customer’s contribution represents 3% of the total funds contributed by utility customers, that customer would receive 3% of the power produced by the solar project Contributions made by utility customers City’s Conservation and Renewable program racking systems, property/site and the electrical connection to the grid. coming in over the next three years – monitoring system is also installed to disseminate the project’s data via the internet following web site to track system output:
WA Legislation SB6170 was passed recently providing a $0.30/kWh solar production incentive to
contributors of Community Solar projects. The final rules from the State Department of Revenue will be out sometime this month. The total annual solar production $25,000/yr, for each of the next ten years. Contributions from local residents and businesses are now being accepted to help fund Phase IV. The City is considering some different solar technologies for the existing 300 watt RWE Schott polycrystalline modules. To acquire additional information or a Contribution Agreement, please contact: (509) 962-7245. providing everyone in Ellensburg the opportunity to invest in locally are converting free renewable sunshine o 36KW) was completed in November 06 and is Ellensburg All of the power being produced– 180 thin-film solar modules from First state-of-the-art solar and small wind systems. If you would like to find info about a renewable energy park in your area. Just type in your city, state and renewable energy parks.

Need ideas and tips on renewable energy. This step by step guide will show you everything you need to know.Earth4Energy

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